
Latest News Releases

Joint Position Paper of the First Nations Chiefs of Police Association (“FNCPA”), Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario (“IPCO”), and Quebec Association of First Nation and Inuit Police Directors (“QAFNIPD”)

The FNCPA, IPCO, and QAFNID are the recognized experts in Indigenous-led, Indigenous- centered policing and peacekeeping in Canada. Together, our organizations jointly represent 36 standalone First Nations police services, operating in more than 100 First Nations communities.

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Special Meeting –(Essential Services Legislation) May 16, 2022 

The First Nation Chiefs of Police Association has scheduled a Special Meeting. First Nations Chiefs of Police Association, the Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario, and the L’Association des Directeurs de Police des Premières Nations et Inuits du Québec, are working together on a position paper regarding First Nations policing essential services legislation. 

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For more information:

Karen Haines
Executive Administrative Assistant
First Nations Chiefs of Police Association
c/o Manitoba First Nations Police Service

Tel.: (204) 856-5370
Email :